Choeur fest, Mouvement Contemporain 1

Friday, June 9, 2017 / 8pm – Studio May B – 15, rue Geoffroy l’Asnier 75004 Paris

This year again, Mouvement Contemporain went to meet the young dance.
Eight companies were selected at two gateway stages, the Danse Douze evenings. Eight pieces will be presented tonight under the eyes of invited professionals. A time of exchange will follow the representation. At the end of the evening, a company will be supported by micadanses for the coming season.

This evening is part of the programming of FAIT MAISON 2017 Studio Micadanses.
Participation fee: 10 € / booking:
More information about this event:

Selected companies :
Compagnie Sur le Pont – Aurore Del Pino / Mur mur
Compagnie Les choses qui font Boom – Faustino Blanchut / La mauvaise herbe
Compagnie Les chronophages – Ophélie Brunet / Résurgences
Compagnie LAC – Laura Arend / IRMA
Compagnie 13.azimuts – Marguerite Chaigne / No Matter
Compagnie Efi Farmaki / Le choeur
Scarlet / Les mots retenus
Leila Ka / Pode Ser